Healing Wounds I Didn’t Know I Had – My Full-Circle Breastfeeding Journey | Written by Amy Pruitt

Healing Wounds I Didn’t Know I Had – My Full-Circle Breastfeeding Journey | Written by Amy Pruitt

Due to our son’s jaundice we were in the hospital for four days, and then we came home to the fresh hell that is the nurse/bottle/pump feeding schedule. For the next several months, feeding the baby was an up-to-two-hour ordeal that repeated itself about five times a day on a continuous loop. First I would nurse – because the goal was to give him as much milk “straight from the source” as possible. This was obviously good for him, and it was also supposed to give me the best chance at maximum milk production. Step two was bottle feeding with any saved breastmilk from the last cycle, and then formula to supplement if necessary. The final step was me pumping as much as I could to encourage production, and to hopefully create an extra supply of milk that we could then freeze (spoiler: I never had enough to freeze).

TTC & IVF: Our Journey to Start a Family | Written by Caitlin Revane Richmond

TTC & IVF: Our Journey to Start a Family | Written by Caitlin Revane Richmond

Clomid was our first option, this is an oral medication that can be used to stimulate ovulation in women that are experiencing infertility. It works by blocking estrogen receptors in turn increases the hormone levels. By stimulating an increase in the amount of hormones this all helps to create higher egg follicles upon ovulation. If there are more egg follicles that increases your chances of sperm and egg fertilizing and becoming pregnant. We tried two months of Clomid with no success. Our next step was IUI, this is a bit more invasive but has a higher success rate so we were feeling optimistic. After three attempts at IUI with no success we had a long discussion with our doctor about our options...the other option presented was In Vitro Fertilization (commonly referred to as IVF). Of course we agreed to go the IVF route but this wouldn’t be as easy as the previous treatments we tried and would take a toll on my body like nothing I have ever imagined.

When you start IVF you have to prepare yourself mentally, physically and emotionally because it is a process, ooh girl! 

Jack's Allergy Journey - Written by Samantha McClelland

Jack's Allergy Journey - Written by Samantha McClelland

I had always joked when I was pregnant with Jack, that he would probably live life in a bubble. I suffer from seasonal allergies and asthma, and my husband also suffers from seasonal allergies, asthma, and eczema. When it came time to introduce solid foods, I followed Feeding Littles and took their Baby Led Weaning course. I did a mixture of purees and solids. 

His first reaction (though I was not even positive it was a reaction at the time), was when I gave Jack eggs for the first time. They were scrambled and served in strips for him to pick up.  I had also served strips of peanut butter toast in the same sitting (do not do this, it is not recommended to serve two potential allergy foods when introducing solids). However, he did not react to peanut butter toast with his first exposure, so I did not think anything of it. 

3-6 Month Baby Essentials We Used Most - Written by Meagan Ash

3-6 Month Baby Essentials We Used Most - Written by Meagan Ash

Similarly to how quickly they change, so does the baby gear and toys that come along with it. I had done so much research and buying for the newborn stage but didn't have much for her once she was a bit older and honestly, at first I felt lost! Thank goodness for friends, Amazon, Google, and Instagram! Over the course of these past three months, we found ourselves always reaching for the following 12 products. Of course every child is different but these worked so well for us and I hope they work for your little one too!

Favorite Toddler Boys’ Amazon Finds in 2020

Favorite Toddler Boys’ Amazon Finds in 2020

Today I thought I’d share our favorite toddler boys’ Amazon finds so far this year. I sorted it into a clothing and toys section to make it super easy. If you’re looking for a few clothing staples for your toddler son (think polos, jeans, athletic shorts) - you’ve come to the right place. I have a hard time finding non-cheesy clothing for little boys - and I usually try to buy something I think my husband would wear - so keep that in mind as you peruse this list :) 

I also went back through our Amazon order history this year and evaluated what our favorite toy / book / play purchases have been so far and compiled them below. Trust me, we’ve had to be strategic since we want him as engaged as possible being home so much. Not an easy task for a two year old!