COO BABY — Samantha McClelland

Jack's Allergy Journey - Written by Samantha McClelland

Jack's Allergy Journey - Written by Samantha McClelland

I had always joked when I was pregnant with Jack, that he would probably live life in a bubble. I suffer from seasonal allergies and asthma, and my husband also suffers from seasonal allergies, asthma, and eczema. When it came time to introduce solid foods, I followed Feeding Littles and took their Baby Led Weaning course. I did a mixture of purees and solids. 

His first reaction (though I was not even positive it was a reaction at the time), was when I gave Jack eggs for the first time. They were scrambled and served in strips for him to pick up.  I had also served strips of peanut butter toast in the same sitting (do not do this, it is not recommended to serve two potential allergy foods when introducing solids). However, he did not react to peanut butter toast with his first exposure, so I did not think anything of it.