COO BABY — Lindsay Gerber

Potty Training: Not a One Size Fits All | Written by Lindsay Gerber

Potty Training: Not a One Size Fits All | Written by Lindsay Gerber

Can you envision it? The perfect potty training method. I’m here to talk about the dreaded parental task that is training your child on going to the bathroom. I’m also here to tell you upfront that I have no magical method to conquering this ever sought after feat. I AM here to tell you that no matter the method, it doesn’t necessarily work for all kids. 

Before I dive in, I want to say something super cliché. Comparison is the thief of joy. There, I said it. It’s true. Do not compare your child to any other child, not even a sibling. Don’t do it in potty training. Don’t do it ever. Children are uniquely different for a purpose and making those comparisons will only become a road block for you and for your child.

Does Joy Really Come in the Morning? A Tale of 4 Kids with the Stomach Flu by Lindsay Gerber

Does Joy Really Come in the Morning? A Tale of 4 Kids with the Stomach Flu by Lindsay Gerber

It was 10 p.m. I had gone to bed that night feeling peaceful. I made sure my kitchen was clean so that when I woke up the next morning I felt no pressure to do anything. I had gotten caught up on laundry, which was almost never the case. Everyone had new sheets on their beds. I was going to wake up to my coffee pot brewing my favorite coffee. I was going to open the curtains and there would be sun coming into my house shining the perfect amount of light. My kids would most definitely sleep in, and surely I would wake up before them to get the alone time I had desired. I laid there planning breakfast in my head but then I fell asleep…

Who am I? by Lindsay Gerber

Who am I? by Lindsay Gerber

The smell of spit up. Was it in my hair? Was it on my nursing gown? Was this just how I smelled now? A shower seemed so out of reach as I stared at my first born. I’m pretty sure I hadn’t reached for my toothbrush in a couple days. I had a profound eye twitch, and I found myself crying more than I laughed. I was headed down a slippery slope, but afraid to admit it.

Meal Plan at Your Own Risk by Lindsay Gerber

Meal Plan at Your Own Risk by Lindsay Gerber

Meal planning, right? Everyone is doing it. I am going to be so organized. I am going to have the most Pinterest looking chalkboard, placed over my newly painted shiplap. It will be loaded up with 5 new meals and only 2 days of leftovers, all written in my fanciest handwriting. I might even get cute and draw a flower on the side. What an accomplishment this will be. Surely, everyone will love my food because I’ve carefully and strategically planned it out.