COO BABY — First Baby

3-6 Month Baby Essentials We Used Most - Written by Meagan Ash

3-6 Month Baby Essentials We Used Most - Written by Meagan Ash

Similarly to how quickly they change, so does the baby gear and toys that come along with it. I had done so much research and buying for the newborn stage but didn't have much for her once she was a bit older and honestly, at first I felt lost! Thank goodness for friends, Amazon, Google, and Instagram! Over the course of these past three months, we found ourselves always reaching for the following 12 products. Of course every child is different but these worked so well for us and I hope they work for your little one too!

5 Basic Things to Do & Not Do Before Baby Comes

5 Basic Things to Do & Not Do Before Baby Comes

Before having my son, I found myself constantly searching online for all of the things I needed to do to prepare for the baby. I’d then feel overwhelmed and nervous that I would forget something and be unprepared after reading lists that gave me 35 things (35 THINGS! WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT?!) I needed to be doing that instant or all hell would break loose. I’m here to tell ya - don’t stress mama. Most of those things are extra and unnecessary. Below I’ve compiled a list of 5 things I shouldn’t have wasted my time and energy on, and then 5 things I should’ve actually been spending my time and energy on. Let us know in the comments below if you have anything you’d add to either list! 

I Think This Chapter Was Missing In My Labor & Delivery Book by Caitlin Revane Richmond

I Think This Chapter Was Missing In My Labor & Delivery Book by Caitlin Revane Richmond

We always knew a c-section was a possibility and we were 100% okay with that option if it was long as the baby was safe, healthy, and delivered in the way that was best for the baby and myself. What I didn’t realize until after I gave birth was how many people there are with very negative (and frankly awful) things to say about c-sections and even the women that have them. Some even say it’s the “easy way out.” When it is a medical decision and all you want to do is welcome your baby in the best way, does it really matter how they enter the world?!

Pregnancy Must Haves by Kenli Parker

Pregnancy Must Haves by Kenli Parker

Pregnancy Must Haves - As a first time mom, I spent lots of time browsing Pinterest trying to figure out what exactly I would need to make my pregnancy go as smoothly as possible. I was fortunate in the sense that I didn’t have any morning sickness, my discomfort was minimal (until the last few months, but I am positive that’s inevitable!) and I didn’t really have any food aversions. 

There are so many lists out there with TONS of items that they say you “should” have, but I have compiled a list of the things that I thought were totally necessary. It’s short and sweet and all of these things will help your nine months be a little more comfortable!

Who am I? by Lindsay Gerber

Who am I? by Lindsay Gerber

The smell of spit up. Was it in my hair? Was it on my nursing gown? Was this just how I smelled now? A shower seemed so out of reach as I stared at my first born. I’m pretty sure I hadn’t reached for my toothbrush in a couple days. I had a profound eye twitch, and I found myself crying more than I laughed. I was headed down a slippery slope, but afraid to admit it.