Going Live on Amazon - Part Two of the 'Motherhood for Me' Evolution Series

Going Live on Amazon - Part Two of the 'Motherhood for Me' Evolution Series

The funny part is, once I had the physical pajamas in my hands I assumed that the hard part was over. Lesson 9,076 in entrepreneurship - it is never over and stuff is just always going to come up that you have to figure out and push through. Amazon was / is a beast - and I didn’t quite realize what I was getting myself into. 

Being a Pregnant Mama in a Military Family During a Pandemic - By Bethany Harold

Being a Pregnant Mama in a Military Family During a Pandemic - By Bethany Harold

Imagine being told you aren’t allowed to travel more than 50 miles away from your home, your spouse is gone for training, your families live hundreds of miles away, you have a full-time job, there is constant talk about staying away from people and essentials items you need being sold out, and you are six months pregnant with a 14 month old. That is what it is like to be a pregnant in a military family during a pandemic. 

Having a husband that is active duty Army and being a military family is like any other “normal” family but with some unique challenges.

Delivering During a Pandemic | Written by Ashley Klein

Delivering During a Pandemic | Written by Ashley Klein

Aside from the delivery portion, I could write an entire book on the new set of fears and frustrations that come along with having a newborn during a pandemic. How you will go back and forth from starting to feel safe about the world to being immersed with fear again the next day. How having a newborn with little interaction from friends and family might make you go a little nutty. But the most important thing to remember during this time is that your main job is to protect your child. That looks very different for everyone. Like normal motherhood, pandemic motherhood with a newborn is not a one-size fits all policy. Do what you are comfortable with and forget the rest!

Finding & Landing a Job in 2020 - Best Practices During an Economic Downturn

Finding & Landing a Job in 2020 - Best Practices During an Economic Downturn

Yesterday, Andrew Van Dam of the Washington Post published an article naming millennials the "unluckiest generation in U.S. history" after facing the 2008 recession and most recently COVID-19, which has resulted in 20.5 million jobs being lost in April alone. Many mothers (and parents) have been put in a position to try and find a new job during one of the most challenging economic times in our history. Being that I have close to 9 years of experience working and consulting in the recruitment space specifically, I thought I could help shed some light onto the best practices of finding and landing a job (during a recession) in 2020.