COO BABY — Birth Stories

Shepard’s Birth Story

Shepard’s Birth Story

We were on week 40, day 6 of pregnancy. It was a Friday morning and my husband and I had woken up for the day just like every other day. I was still working (I work remotely) so I just had to drag my (what felt like huge) body into the kitchen to turn on my laptop, check my emails, and make sure everything was still set and organized for whenever maternity leave would officially start (aka whenever the baby decided to make his debut). My induction was set for 40+10 (my OB wouldn’t let me go longer than that) - so I knew I’d be having him within the week if he didn’t come on his own sooner. My OB also insisted that I head in for a non-stress test that day - just to make sure his heart rate was in a healthy range and that he didn’t seem to be under any stress. The well-meaning texts from friends and family were still coming in -  “IS HE HERE YET?!” and “Are you STILL pregnant?”...”YES,” I wanted to scream. “I am still pregnant.” 

I Think This Chapter Was Missing In My Labor & Delivery Book by Caitlin Revane Richmond

I Think This Chapter Was Missing In My Labor & Delivery Book by Caitlin Revane Richmond

We always knew a c-section was a possibility and we were 100% okay with that option if it was long as the baby was safe, healthy, and delivered in the way that was best for the baby and myself. What I didn’t realize until after I gave birth was how many people there are with very negative (and frankly awful) things to say about c-sections and even the women that have them. Some even say it’s the “easy way out.” When it is a medical decision and all you want to do is welcome your baby in the best way, does it really matter how they enter the world?!